34 W. Jefferson Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540


Business Meeting: 1st Tuesday of each month, 7:30pm
Special Meeting & Degree Work: 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7:30pm
Dinner and visitation: Meeting nights from 6:30pm – 7:15pm
Lodge closed July and August

Dana Armitage, Worshipful Master

Euclid Lodge No. 65 AF&AM is the oldest Masonic Lodge in DuPage County, Illinois. It was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Illinois in 1849 and has, since its inception always presided within the city limits of Naperville, Illinois.

Euclid Lodge is made up of men from all walks of life that all prescribe to the same principles. These principles are the foundation of the largest and oldest male fraternity in the world. Each member strives in earnest to be a better man, husband, brother, son and member of his community. We encourage you to read the history of our lodge to learn more about the quality of our members from the past.

Today, Euclid Lodge meets twice a month to conduct its business and to confer our degrees on new members. The lodge is very involved in a number of community projects as volunteers and has supported both the Naperville Police Department as well as all the Schools in Naperville. One of its most successful projects is the Illinois Child Identification Program (ILCHIP). This program was designed by the Grand Lodge of Illinois and helps parents and law enforcement in creating a personal packet for the parents on each of their children. In the packet is a current photo of the child, a DNA sample of the child, fingerprints, a video with audio of the child being interviewed and asked specific questions that could help in the recovery of a child if they ever went missing. This information is then given to the parents for safe-guarding and hopefully never needed.

Our members are made up of men from every profession; including but not limited to Military Personnel, Attorneys, Doctors, Bankers, City Employees, Policeman, Firemen, Sales People and Warehouse personnel. So if you are interested in more information about our lodge or are interested in joining the largest and oldest male fraternity in the world that enjoys helping good men become better, than we want to talk to you. If you see us around town or working at one of the events our community host throughout the year; come up and say hello, we always have time for you.